由於氣笛在呼氣或吸氣時也會發聲, 故此可用作呼吸調節及學習呼吸控制用
This novel and amusing siren whistle provides a great opportunity to practice and develop good breathing and respiration skills that are key for learning, concentrating and paying attention. Also a wonderful inexpensive fidget toy for the mouth and for those who love to make music. Using whistles and doing breathing activities is very relaxing and promotes calmness.
Colours selected randomly at checkout.
警告:含細小配件, 不適合3歲以下兒童使用。
當用作訓練/ 治療/ 輔助用途時, 建議先咨詢職業治療師或相關醫護專業人士的意見。
Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years.