Parents of children on the autism spectrum, especially children who have been recently diagnosed, have a steep learning curve to navigate. This book provides insight into the autism spectrum experience through interviews with parents and photos of fifty-two children and teens. It was written for all who want to understand the autism spectrum in a deeper, more relational way.
Though The Spirit Within Shay McAtee blends her careers of occupational therapy and photography. She had over thirty-five years of experience providing OT services for children, including those on the autism spectrum. She has taught at the university level, trained and mentored therapist in clinic-based services, and currently teaches nationally and internationally.
Shay's photographs demonstrate her interest in capturing the deeper spirit, whether the subject is a person, a culture, or an environment. She has exhibited her work in the United States and internationally. More of her photography can be seen on her website: shaymcatee.com.